Zohar with Peirush Emet L'Yaakov


Volume: Bereishit 1 - Hakdama - Parashat Bereshit
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Zohar with Peirush Emet L'Yaakov - Bereishit 2 - Tikkunei Zohar / Noach through Vayetzeh

By: R' Ya'akov Margi / Machon Ahavat Shalom

מאת המקובל ר' יעקב מארג'י

Product Weight

Bereishit 1 - Hakdama - Parashat Bereshit 1.302 kg
Bereishit 2 - Tikkunim - Noach - Vayetzeh 1.18 kg
Bereishit 3 - Vayishlach - Vayechi 1.022 kg
Shemot 1 - Shemot - Yitro 1.01 kg
Shemot 2 - Vayakhel - Pekudeh 1.11 kg
Vayikra 1 - Vayikrah - Metzorah 1.022 kg
Vayikra 2 - Acharei Mot - Bechukotai 1.088 kg
Bamidbar 1 - Bamidbar - Beha'alotcha - Idra Rabba 1.022 kg
Bamidbar 2 - Shelach - Balak 1.088 kg
Bamidbar 3 / Devarim - Pinchas - Ha'azinu - Idra Zutah 1.194 kg
Shemot 3 - Terumah - Ki Tisah 1.23 kg
Shemot 4 - Mishpatim - Chiddushei Maharim 1.38 kg

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